Blogg of The is's

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Journey to Laney

December 29, 2005

This journey began many years ago. Tina had a heart to adopt from the time she was 12 years of age. Tina has known in her heart that adoption would be apart of her life, she just had no idea when. God was doing a work, preparing a home for Laney in America and be a part of the Theis home 24 years ago. She began to pray about it at that young of an age, and The God of heaven and earth heard her prayer.

Kevin has always wanted a little girl to spoil, and about three years ago the Lord began to set the wheels in motion. In Feb. of 2003 Kevin and Tina began the paperwork for the adoption from China. We chose China for many reasons but the deciding factor was that China was the nation God placed in our hearts.

We did not have the funding for an adoption, but trusted the Lord for his provision. We inquired of our bank and we were able to secure 1/2 of the funding, We knew God would provide for the rest. He has amazed us through this entire adoption on handing the funding to us when it was needed.

In March of 2004 our paperwork was sent to China and by April it was officially logged in to China with the CCAA. We have waited about 9 months and today received the information that our referral is in the mail from China!! We were told that by Wedensday the 4th of Jan. We should know who God has chosen for us. What a way to start 2006!!!

We plan to take our two boys, Wesley age 12, and Austin age 9 with us to China. We want to give them the chance to experience seeing another country, begin bonding with their new sister from the start, and to haul luggage together. Ha Ha

We are so happy to allow you to join us in our journey to Laney Faith!