Blogg of The is's

Monday, February 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Laney

What a great day!!! We had Laney's Birthday/shower yesterday after church, and it was a wonderful time. We are truly blessed to have such a great Church family! They have been our support and encouragement through the two years we have been working on this adoption, Words of "go for it!" and "Thats is wonderful!" and "Is there anything we can do to help?" With all their prayers and Love, we have taken each step fully trusting in our Lord for all to work out!

They are sooooooo excited we will have to issue a quarantine on our home once we return. I have Stephanie lined up for guard duty on the front porch, no one can stand up to her 95 lbs.

Laney did turn 1 yr yesterday, and we have a birthday cake waiting for her in the freezer once we get back home. The women who put on the shower did a wonderful job and I can't thank them enough!! I did show the National Geographic film "China's lost girls" and there was not a dry eye in the house. Including me, and I have seen it about 50 times. (I usually watch it after I repack her bag!!! Ha Ha)

The film really helped with alot of questions that many people have. If you don't have a copy I would recommend getting one.

We also got a print out of our flight plan today. We will secure them tomorrow and have several "appointments" through out the week between our travel agency and our adoption agency, before we leave on the 17th. It will be a busy time getting ready!!! We will be flying overnight and arrive on the 18th at 7:45 am. We will not be getting Laney until the 20th, but would love your prayers for peace and comfort for all involved.

We may not post until we reach Hong Kong so be patient, and God Bless!!!!