Blogg of The is's

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

And the wheel turns round and round...

Jan 25th 2005

It seems like forever since we have posted, I'm sure some of you are thinking. It feels that way to me as I write. Once again we are in the waiting stage. We now must wait for a travel approval from China to go and get Laney. This can take up to 5 weeks, leaving some families only a weeks notice for travel. Not to worry for us, I am so ready to go!!! I really have packed and repacked Laney's bag about 5 times now. All thats left is to throw a few clothes in for us and we are out the door!!

Since our referral we have recieved a travel packet from our agency, informing us that we had 5-7 days to send in for our visa's. This was very sad for us, as we STILL had not gotten Wesley's passport, and Austin STILL had no Birth certificate. The expense for them to come was just too much for us even if we had these documents. We trust the Lord, and know his plans are perfect. So our boys are staying with some dear friends of ours from our Church Family.

We have also sent Laney a care package, with a few things that our agency suggested. We sent a coat, toys, a soft photo album with family pictures in it. (the nannies start right away showing it to the children and getting them used to our faces) a camera in hopes they will take pictures of her for us, and a big chocolate Kiss for the Nanny !! We were given some Chinese characters to put on each item, so they would understand what to do with it all.

We also recieved information on Laney's past, yesterday. This was a little emotional for me, as I picture everything in my head. Her orphanage sent the information that....
"On Feb 13, 2005 a babygirl was left at the gates of the Xinyi Socal Welfare Institute. The police were called and an investigation to find her parents was conducted with no results. She was left in a set of plaid clothes and weighed 7.5 lbs. She was 19.6 inches long." They estimated her birth to be February 5th 2005, as she had no note with her to inform of her birth.

The information stated how she has been fed over the last year and her monthly progress in muscle and mental development. It was said she loves to play with her feet as toys. (see last posts pictures) "She is a good girl, and cares about others, she is willing to share." She is extroverted and active, and is especially interested in things red in color. (maybe that is why they gave her a middle name meaning red??)

We also got a copy of her shot record, which is not much. No doubt we will have to start from scratch when we back from China.

Things are moving along, just not fast enough for me. I want to be with her NOW. We estimate travel in about another three weeks. We pray we can be with her on Kevin's Birthday. We hope to get a Travel approval before the Chinese New Year, Jan 29th - Feb 2nd, as everything comes to a stand still for about a week.

Our Church is giving Laney a birthday shower on her birthday, and I will post at that time with more pictures etc.. Until then...